Temporary Tattoo
edword evwrit
I’ve spent most of my life with a reserved personality. Unless you are really close to me I’ve always been the quiet type, typically just speaking when spoken to. Some years ago I decided I wanted to change this. Everyone has strength in feelings and I wanted mine to be more available than previously. Temporary Tattoo was an opportunity for me to physically and metaphorically put my heart on my sleeve. In this project I got to be more honest and allowed myself to give answers to questions that weren't asked. It took a lot out of me, in order to put a lot of me into this album. So much of the emotions I’ve held tightly are laid out in this work. I’m proud of how far this came along, but the work doesn’t stop with the last track. This album is a life adjustment with room to grow.
Temporary Tattoo

Temporary Tattoo - edword evwrit
Audio format: CD
Packaging: Digipack
Courier: international tracked postal service
Delivered: estimate 5-25 business days worldwide
Shipping by CDClick

edword evwrit Rap Artist
Writer, rapper, but more importantly I'm an artist.
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