I m sailing
Luka van den Driesschen A NEW ALBUM FROM LUKA. OUT OF NOWHERE I have known Richard Poot for some years as a producer, arranger, master in the mix, piano and synthesiser player and owner of Pro Music Studio here in the Netherlands. He has a heart full of gold that opened the door for me, giving me access to his studio with all of his wonderful musical artists like Frank Stukker on guitar, Dave van Beek on drums, Xandre Buvelot on bass guitar, Martijn Luttmer on mouth organ and above all, Erno Olah on violin . (Not to forget our back ground singers Caby and Sandra) and (not wanting anyone to know) Richard doing his tralala when no one was around! All of these have worked with great names are who are themselves the greatest. They helped make my dreams come true with the songs I have written and carried in my suitcase for years; travelling around the globe singing both my own and also many cover songs. .I was able to make just enough money to keep on singing and writing: in the beginning on the streets and later in hotels and restaurants, some with one star and others with five, but always with my heart in every song. Even though I am not the best guitar player in the world, they could make it sound as if I was! Not so long ago we released an album called “LUKA”, with great sounds of which a singer song writer only can dream. Richard and I became great friends in the studio and so when the album “LUKA” was released we decided to go on with Proza and songs.
CD Audio

Luka - I'm sailing
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LUKA VAN DEN DRIESSCHEN Singer song writer
Finding you in me and me in you.
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